People Claim It’s the Best Ghee on the Planet!
“The BEST ghee, the BEST people in the world, QUALITY all around!”
Janice H. from Texas
Always Grassfed. Eternally Grassroots.

What’s Ghee?
So glad you asked!
In simple terms, ghee is a healthier version of butter. It is made by heating butter until all the milk solids separate and the moisture evaporates. The casein and lactose solids are filtered out, leaving behind a pure, healthy fat known as ghee.
Why Use Ghee?
This golden goodness can be used in any cooking method, up to 485F. It is free of lactose and casein, never needs refrigeration, has a ton of healthy properties and tastes amazingly great! Use in place of any other refined oil and …
Used for Thousands of Years!
Ghee has been around for thousands of years primarily used in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Southeast Asian cuisine.
No Lactose or Casein
The butterfat contains no lactose or casein. So those facing challenges with intolerance to either one may be able to consume Ghee without distressing issues.
No Refrigeration Required
Simply Ghee is incredibly shelf stable and requires no refrigeration!
Cook nearly Anything
You can cook nearly anything with Simply Ghee up to 485F without concern of overheating and creating any health-robbing toxins.

No Trans-fats!
Simply Ghee contains NO trans-fats period! Ever!
How ghee helps
Ghee is known to aid digestion and metabolism. Plus it helps remove toxins from the digestive tract.
A Staple of Ayurvedic Medicine
Ghee has been a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. To soothe burns, treat rashes, and moisturize skin and hair.
Simple to cook with
If you’re thinking Ghee means complicated recipes … we’ve got great news for you! Simply Ghee is simple to cook with! We’ll show you how with lots of recipes to try!
Our Customers Can’t Get Enough!
Dr. Larry Palevsky
“This ghee is really good…it’s so nice and yellow and rich!!!”
Marie T.
“I’ve received your A2A2 ghee and LOVE IT! Smooth and nourishing.
Thank you so much for offering such a great, healthy product.”
Simply Ghee is so excited to introduce our Rewards Program!
Welcome to “The Ghee Club” where you’ll earn “Butter Drops”
Click on the rewards icon to establish your account and to learn the ways you can earn and redeem your Butter Drops!